Our team of experts delivers innovative solutions transforming research in
biomedical imaging
Our team

Victor RACINE, PhD
Victor Racine is founder and CEO of QuantaCell. He is engineer in electronics (ISEN) and obtained a PhD from Paris 6 (France) in Biophysics at the Institut Curie. He made a postdoctoral work in Singapore (IMCB). He is more than 20-year experienced in artificial intelligence and bio-imaging. Since 2014, he is running the company.

Jocelyne GAU, PhD
Jocelyne Gau is co-founder of QuantaCell. She is a physicist and obtained a PhD in biophysics at the University of Evry on biomolecules quantification. She is on charge of human resources.

Senior Data Scientist
Gaetan Galisot specializes in the medical image segmentation and registration. He has obtained a PhD degree from Université de Tours (LIFAT). He is working on image analysis as well as on the software development.

Damien BLANC, PhD
Senior Data Scientist
Damien Blanc is biostatistician. He did his PhD of mathematics at the University of Montpellier, in collaboration with the Institut Curie. He is specialized in deep learning.

Paul-Axel MARIE, MSc
Full Stack Developer
Paul-Axel Marie is engineer in data processing (EFREI). He is full stack developer in QuantaCell. He implements graphic interfaces by combining data science and ergonomy.

Data Scientist Student
Marie Bocquelet is in the 2nd year of the IMAGINE master’s program at the University of Montpellier. During her internship, she is particularly interested in improving the learning processes of deep learning models.

Camille DOVIN, MSc
Intern in Pathology
Camille Dovin is in the 3rd year of residency in Pathology at the University Hospital of Montpellier. As part of her master’s degree, she is exploring the prognostic factors of oral cavity cancers (squamous cell carcinomas) using deep learning.

Christophe LATRILLE, PhD
Product Manager
Christophe Latrille earned a PhD in Behavioral Sciences applied to digital health at the University of Montpellier. He is interested, among other things, in the relationship between usage and tool in the product development cycle.
Our skills
Today, our team includes experts in artificial intelligence, image analysis, and statistics who work collaboratively to develop powerful software solutions that accelerate research and drive scientific discovery. With our deep understanding of both the biological and computational aspects of image analysis and artificial intelligence, we are able to guide biomedical research units towards better decision-making and improved outcomes.

Computer science



Project management
Our partners

Our references with scientific publications
Automated high-speed 3D imaging of organoid cultures with multi-scale phenotypic quantification
Artificial intelligence solution to classify pulmonary nodules on CT
Fluorescence eXclusion Measurement of volume in live cell
Synaptic recruitment of gephyrin regulates surface GABAA receptor dynamics for the expression of inhibitory LTP
RNAi screening reveals a large signaling network controlling the Golgi apparatus in human cells
Molecular Systems Biology. 2012;8:629. PDF Auteurs : Chia J, Goh G, Racine V, Ng S, Kumar P, Bard F. Keywords : Criblage phénotypique, structure cellulaire, siRNA, machine learning, statistiques
Wavelet analysis for single molecule localization microscopy
Optics Express. 2012 Jan 30;20(3):2081-95. PDF Auteurs : Izeddin I, Boulanger J, Racine V, Specht CG, Kechkar A, Nair D, Triller A, Choquet D, Dahan M, Sibarita JB. Keywords : TIRF/PALM, SPT, détection moléculaire, imagerie avancée, ondelettes, fit gaussien, traitement des images
Experimental and theoretical study of mitotic spindle orientation
Nature. 2007 May 24;447(7143):493-6. Auteurs :Théry M, Jiménez-Dalmaroni A, Racine V, Bornens M, Jülicher F. Keywords : Cellule unique, détection et segmentation de compartiments, adhésion, microscopie automatisée, visualisation des données, modèle théorique, cytosquelette
QuantaCell, Hôpital Saint Eloi, IRMB
+33 (0) 9 83 33 81 90
80 av Augustin Fliche
34090 Montpellier, France